
Symptoms of trauma

Symptoms of trauma vary from person to person and depend on the severity of the event. These symptoms can last anything from a couple of days to decades if treatment isn't sought. Some people also find that they do not notice any symptoms immediately after the event as they can often occur sometime later.

Common symptoms of psychological trauma include:

- Flashbacks – When you re-experience the traumatic event mentally or physically.

- Insomnia – After a traumatic experience it is common to have difficulties sleeping due to nightmares or due to mentally going over details of the event.

- Anxiety – Feeling constantly anxious after a trauma is very common. Sometimes these feelings turn into anxiety disorders such as PTSD or panic attacks.

- Stress – Even if you handled stress very well before your experience, many people find stress harder to manage after a traumatic event.

- Anger – Feeling angry after a trauma is very common. You might be angry at the person who traumatized you, at the event itself or even at the world. This can lead to outbursts and other anger management issues.

- Depression – Many people fall into a depression after experiencing something very distressing. You can be left wondering why the event happened to you - leading to dark moods and in severe cases, suicidal thoughts.

- Loss of self-esteem – It can be easy to lack self-belief and self-confidence after you have experienced something traumatic. You can be left questioning your identity and what you have to offer the world.

- Self-medication – For some, the only way they feel they can deal with what happened is by self-medicating with alcohol or drugs. This leads to very selfdestructive behavior and can isolate you from friends and family.

- Emotional detachment – For some, the emotions brought up are so severe that they cannot deal with them at all. This can lead to emotional numbness, also known as dissociation. You may refuse to deal with any psychological issues you have and could appear cold and distant to others.

The longer your trauma symptoms go untreated, the more psychological damage they could cause. Therefore it is important to know when to seek  professional help.